Paris Fine Art Street Photography
Beyond the postcard

now and then
before and during covid-19 pandemic

“Breathe Paris in. It nourishes the soul.”
Victor Hugo

the first time you ever visited Paris?
Not believing that you really were here, getting lost amidst the crowds and observing the history all around you?
This buzzing city, a bit frightening at first, which later grew on you.

or maybe
your first contact with Paris was through one of the films by François Truffaut?
Running out of breath on the streets of Paris with rebellious school boys.
Did you walk up and down the hills of Montmartre like
Amélie Poulain in Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s dreamlike film?

Let me Guess,
you have spent hours immersed in the works of the masters of street photography who have left behind them a legacy of Paris:
Henri Cartier-Bresson, BrassaÏ or Willy Ronis?
Just to mention my personal favorites…

Or maybe you are dreaming about a romantic trip to Paris?
Une petite escapade à deux…..
Lost in the arms of your one and only?

or perhaps
you are a lover of French literature and have been here through the pages of
Emile Zola, Victor Hugo or Daniel Pennac?
or maybe you prefer molière?

or even better
perhaps your first visit here is yet to come?
Maybe you like to prepare yourself by dreaming about all the little details that make Paris?
Like visiting the museum of Louvre?

if you kept nodding your head in approval, you have come to the right place
Let me take you to the streets of paris

after some quiet time
with covid and co

nowadays, in 2025
paris is back to the busy place it always has been

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”
Dorothea Lange

Welcome to my world

There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.
Ansel adams