COVID-19 Lockdown
Confusing times, we all agree on that. What seemed unthinkable, even unimaginable, a few weeks ago, is happening today. Wherever we are in the world.
I live in Paris, France and as in most of the countries, we went into lockdown on 17 March 2020, to prevent the COVID-19 from spreading further. There is an important message here
Early into the lockdown, my wonderful father-in-law, Martin Schneider, challenged me to share images every day to lift up the spirits of the family. He asked me to share chosen images, my favorites, from the bulk of my work, and left the free choice to me. So here they are, my images. As I’m hosting this collection on my website, I try not to share images that are already shown on my site, but if double shows occur, please excuse me for it.
So here we go, please see my collection of images from my archives that have not (mostly) been published on my site and that have a meaning for me. I hope some of them might make you travel to a different place where you are at the moment, either physically or in your mind.
I’m also doing a series of my everyday life under the lockdown, but be prepared, no hidden gems over there.
And please let me quote the eloquent Martin Schneider :
“Cette fois je m’adresse à toi avec une requête spéciale. Les temps sont durs, et Dany nous le rappelle encore.« Stay at home to save lives!» Mais il ne faut pas se laisser gagner par le découragement, ou un ennui stérile. Il faut lire, écouter de la musique, réfléchir ou méditer, et généralement rester heureux et confiants.
Raffi va nous organiser un tele-seder, moi je vous promets quelques chroniques amusantes ou nostalgiques, et nous comptons sur toi pour le côté artistique.
Je sais que tu n’as pour le moment pas l’occasion de faire «la chasse aux images» comme tu le souhaiterais, mais tu nous ferais plaisir en nous diffusant, jour après jour, des «morceaux choisis» de ton talent, au gré de ton humeur. Zadia et moi nous chantons tous les matins pour bien commencer la journée. Une belle photo, parfois évocatrice d’un lieu ou d’un souvenir, parfois gaie et dynamique, parfois émouvante, ou tout simplement belle à voir et à revoir, nous rendra la journée encore plus agréable. Pas de fausse modestie, tes images sont très belles, permets nous d’en profiter.”
So, here’s looking at you
Zadia, Martin
Dany, JD, Léa, Benji, Bilou
Raffi, Pak, Lola, Tessa, Thad
David, Victor
Kaarina, Lassi
Ripa, Mari
on va s'en sortir sans sortir
I’m closing this challenge as France lifts the lockdown on Monday 11 May 2020. Stay safe, friends. This is definitely not the end of the virus.
the unbearable lightness of being
Day 55 : 10 May 2020
into the unknown
Day 54 : 9 May 2020
the chosen one
Day 53 : 8 May 2020
last train to brussels
Day 52 : 7 May 2020
the boy and the sea of pearls
Day 51 : 6 May 2020
into the storm
Day 50 : 5 May 2020
the eternal sunshine of the …
Day 49 : 4 May 2020
birds over louvre
Day 48 : 3 May 2020
the golden sun
Day 47 : 2 May 2020
Day 46 : 1 May 2020
life in layers
Day 45 : 30 April 2020
suddenly last summer
Day 44: 29 April 2020
the red light district
Day 43: 28 April 2020
un eloge to night life - and a birthday tribute to Pascale & david
Day 42 : 27 April 2020
no looking back
Day 41 : 26 April 2020
a window to the world
Day 40 : 25 April 2020
Day 39 : 24 April 2020
De l’autre côté du miroir
Day 38 : 23 April 2020
our old lady of light
Day 37 : 22 April 2020
a hard day’s night
Day 36 : 21 April 2020
a scene from another time
Day 35 : 20 April 2020
The king of the castle
Day 34 : 19 April 2020
broken time
Day 33 : 18 April 2020
head in the clouds
Day 32 : 17 April 2020
arrival and departure
Day 31 : 16 April 2020
a window to the nature
Day 30 : 15 April 2020
respirer le grand air … parisien
Day 29 : 14 April 2020
outside in
Day 28 : 13 April 2020
in my dreams
Day 27 : 12 April 2020
Day 26 : 11 April 2020
distorted view of oneself
Day 25 : 10 April 2020
Day 24 : 9 April 2020
finland, inventing social distancing
Day 23 : 8 April 2020
the spiral of life
Day 22 : 7 April 2020
an explosion of light
Day 21 : 6 April 2020
higher, faster
Day 20 : 5 April 2020
Emprisioned in public
Day 19 : 4 April 2020
gone with the wind
Day 18 : 3 April 2020
past, present, future - a family in reflection
Day 17 : 2 April 2020
hello from the outside
Day 16 : 1 April 2020
when champs ElySées becomes a distant souvenir
Day 15 : 31 March 2020
when crowds were still allowed
Day 14 : 30 March 2020
Human ant colony
Day 13 : 29 March 2020
Emportés par la foule
Day 12 : 28 March 2020
behind the scenes at the museum
Day 11 : 27 March 2020
strange times
Day 10 : 26 March 2020
into the curve
Day 9 : 25 March 2020
a road less traveled
Day 8 : 24 March 2020
up and down and all around
Day 7 : 23 March 2020
the longing - and the immense void in between
Day 6 : 22 March 2020
free as a bird
Day 5 : 21 March 2020
We shall never forget
Day 4 : 20 March 2020
The French lockdown started on Tuesday 17 March 2020 at 12 a.m. CET. My project only starts on Friday 20 March, but I’m nevertheless counting the days from the beginning. Just not to get lost in days…